EPRAVO.CZ, the organizer of the twelfth year of “Law Firm of the Year” competition, announced the results during gala awards ceremony hosted by the Czech Bar Association at Žofín Palace on 4 November 2019 with awards presented to the winners in the presence of prominent law firm representatives and esteemed law professionals.
Nielsen Meinl again retained its position among prominent law firms in the Czech Republic in two categories representing the specific know-how and the strengths of the company: IT Law and Telecommunications and Media.
“We have been building our know-how in these areas for number of years and I am glad that experts evaluators acknowledge our expertise, and also that we have established trust in our abilities among our clients,” says in reaction to the competition results Tomáš Nielsen, recent awardee of the title “Lawyer of the Year” in the Information Technology Law category.
For more information visit http://www.pravnickafirmaroku.cz/ (in Czech only).